Business Life Life Lessons
Why Are You Hiring not Who, Why?

A few weeks ago an organisation shared a job description with me they wanted me to review and provide feedback on. I know some of you may be wondering why a communication specialist is dabbling in human resources, well aside from now evolving into organisational strategy, the position was actually relevant to training I had

Business Life
Where Is Your Business Going?

For the past few weeks after seeing a common struggle with some of my clients I fashioned a program to walk them through. The program is a simple series of exercises to help organisations clearly define their vision, operational model and long-term plan. This was a process I had also gone through to establish my

Business Life Lessons Opinion
A Little Appreciation Goes a Looooong Way

“…only when individuals trust the culture or organisation will they take personal risk in order to advance that culture or organisation as a whole. For no other reason than, in the end, it’s good for their own personal health and survival…” Simon Sinek, Start with Why I have been reading, rather, studying this book and

Brand Storytelling Entrepreneurship Inspiration Kenya
Why are You Really in Business?

Last Sunday, I had the opportunity to share some insights on communication for business with the Karen Community Church. The Church has a ministry dedicated to helping congregants build and grow their business with insights on best practices from various professionals. I had been invited two weeks earlier about the talk, which gave me ample

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