Brand Storytelling Branding
Should my business be on social media?

Many would say it is obvious a resounding YES! Your business should be on social media. But I will sneak in a NO in there. Before you run to Facebook and open a page and a Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and 300 other social media accounts. I have a few questions for you to answer. What

Brand Storytelling Branding
This is what branding is

1. Branding is all about value add. Branding is a promise, a guarantee you are offering your clientele. When you are shining shoes like Rashid in the shop next to you; what value is your service adding that will make people choose you over Rashid other than your great personality? BRAND PROMISE TO ROSE PROMISE

Brand Storytelling Branding

Some websites do look like a 3 year old had a fun day with glitter. Blinding with a rainbow of colours, and then we have the sites that look like thesis statements – bland background and nothing but words. Words are great because they communicate. But in the world we live in with shortening attention

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