News Articles

For the past six years I have had the privilege of sharing and documenting the struggles, triumphs and potential of my great country through various news outlets. It is still an ongoing process.

Maarifa school

Maarifa School needed a compelling brand story to encourage parents to enroll their children in the institution. I worked with Maarifa to develop compelling website content and a tagline that encompassed the brand’s essence.

Consumer Insight Africa

Research is essential for any businesses growth. But science tends to be tricky to explain simply, without losing its meaning. I worked closely with Consumer Insight Africa to create a fun and compelling news release of Dama, one of its annual research findings. Their workshop attendees fully understood the results and the media was able

James Karundu

When I met James, he was ready for a new look, he wanted people to see him for who he was and needed help in communicating that effectively as business mentor and coach. I worked with him to bring out a clear and direct identifier of just who he was a brand. We developed a

The LEAP Network

When I met The LEAP Network, they needed a brand strategy, a name, a visual brand identity and online presence. I worked closely with them to ensure that the brand direction was developed. I still work closely with them to build their website content and other brand content and execution to meet the demands of

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