You have bought your web domain and now you have a host. Great! Progress! You have your Brand Bible and you are set to get things going. What are the key things that you need on your site? There are many things to consider, the type of business you have, the kind of audience you intend to have visiting your site and so on.

But for now these are some of the key things you should always have on your website, no matter who you are.

  1. Attractive landing page

This will determine whether people will stay or move on. The world we are in right now, as previously mentioned is very big on visual aesthetics online. Normally a simple opening message with a rich High resolution image suffices for your website.

  1. About

This page is always there, and it is there for a reason. I should be able to know who you are and what you do in a few seconds. People don’t read more than two paragraphs. Again, attention span, unless you are working with a skilled copywriter who can make your copy Comedy Central worthy. K-I-S-S: Keep It Short and Simple.

  1. Contacts

This page goes without saying; you need to have your contacts, it is best to have a Google map of your physical location if you have one. You should also have a clear description of your physical location. Ensure you have a working phone number and the hours you are open. It tends to be very annoying when you call a number that doesn’t work. What many don’t realize, is that a phone number that doesn’t work is enough for people to be put off your business for good. And of course, you need a functional email address. The rule of thumb is that four hours shouldn’t pass before you have responded to an email. You can also include your social media badges to sites you actually update and respond to regularly.

  1. Portfolio / Clients

Depending on what your website is, you should have a page showcasing your work, with a short description of what it is. And also include a page with clients you have worked with, it can have testimonials, or simply their logos with links to the clients website. This heavily applies to business websites. If you are running a simple blog, it makes sense to have topical areas serving as reading categories for your readers.

  1. Gallery

Some people may have a specific page for this, this makes sense for Ad / Architectural agencies or photographers and videographers. A dedicated page like this makes sense for individuals and corporations whose work has a heavy visual component. You don’t need to have this page if your work portfolio isn’t heavily visual.

If you are more of the latter, I suggest that in each page you share some imagery to give some balance of the wording and visual to keep people engaged.

  1. Brand Colour Palette & Font

This is the most important. Based on your Brand Bible you should ensure that your website does execute the Brand colours and font as per your brand requirements. Your brand needs to be consistent in every single aspect. Not to worry, your web designer is there to help you with that.

  1. Brand Language

This is something so many overlook. As mentioned above. Your brand consistency is necessary in every single aspect. And that also means the tone of your website copy (wording). If you are comedian, serious corporate tone tends to be very contradictory and confuses the brand you tend to exude. This is where a professional copywriter comes in. They will ensure your web copy aligns with your brand persona in relation to your Brand Bible.